Deadeye: Jump shots NBA 2K Coins made in the closing of the defense will not be penalized during a shooting contest. Sniper-type shots - Jump shots made by a slightly later or earlier timing are given a boost and late or early shots will be penalized more severely.
Green Machine - This badge offers the player the opportunity to have a greater chance of getting Perfect Releases or excellent releases, after a player has hit consecutively excellent releases. Blinders - Shots taken with defenders closing out in their peripheral vision get a less severe penalty.
Posterizers increase the odds of hitting one on the player's defender to make a dunk in NBA 2k22. Slithery Finisher - Increases the chance of a player sliding through the crowd and avoid contact during gatherings and finishes near the rim.
Fearless Finisher: Strengthens 2K22 MT Buy the player's ability to take on contact while still finishing. Also reduces the amount of energy that's lost due to contact layups. Fast Twitch - This badge decreases the amount of time the player needs to fire off the layup or to dunk on the rim.